SPACE will offer a day-long retreat based on a particular theme such as Wonder, Compassion, Journeying. The day will involve stillness, reflection and guided meditation.
SPACE BETWEEN will be a monthly evening meeting offering time to explore, as a group, the meanings, values and beliefs associated with the theme of the SPACE retreat days. There will also be time for stillness and meditation.
Come to some or come to all - create your own journey.
There will be a taster session for SPACE on Saturday 19th January 2013 at Thorpe Prebend House, Ripon HG4 1QR from 10.30 - 12noon. For more information
e mail or ring the Cathedral office on 01765 603583
Another wonderful retreat is Minsteracres Retreat Centre. Christian place of prayer with a resident community rooted in the Passionist tradition,